SagaVortex Art Photography

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Dreaming of home, Mauritius 🌞

I have realized something recently that I didn't know when I was doing it, despite still reaping the benefits at the time.

The reason why I enjoyed spending so much time on the mountain tops after sunset is because of the cold air. Breathing the cold air cools down the brains, thinking becomes calmer. Pay attention, a clustered mind is usually a hot head (check your head temperature) - but breathing cold air takes away the excess energy, cooling it down, and at the same time, thoughts come to a rest more easily.

Well, nowadays, not everyone has access to a mountain, unfortunately 🤷‍♂️
But how can you still reap the benefits of what I described?
Take a cold shower!! Instantly, a cold shower takes you from your head into your body.

Use the scientifically proven Wim Hof method! 🥶

Don't just believe me, try it for yourself. 😎


Photo is from Le Pouce, a place I considered home when I was in Mauritius.

Dimensions: 5504 x 8256

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