SagaVortex Art Photography

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Invincible vulnerability, Heart Warrior ๐Ÿ’š

I used to think invincibility meant being invulnerable, strong enough to take on anything that Life sends your way without breaking, an incredible feat of effort and willpower. Admirable but not sustainable in the face of Eternity. There comes inevitably a breaking point.

As always the best inspiration comes from Nature. Among all the elements of Nature, water is the most brittle, and paradoxically, it can cut through the most massive of mountains, it forges its way through the most dense of matter, not by force of opposition but by blending with it.

This ability of water to take on all forms is a somewhat limited version of the Invincibility of Existence itself. Existence is Invincible, not through force but through absolute totality.
Living in totality, we can embody this quality of Existence. When fear comes, we become fear itself. When anger comes, we become rage itself. When joy knocks on the doors of our hearts, we become joy itself. The fruits of passion are consumed without reservation.

โ€œNow I am become Death, the destroyer of worldsโ€.

This ability to remain vulnerable, with an open heart, in absolute totality, is Invincibility. The more you allow yourself to be vulnerable, the more you see the impermanence of all things. When you experience something in its totality, it does not leave any residual energy within you. You become invincible, like water this realization cuts through the heaviest of states - trusting the passage of time.
The actual quote from the Gita popularized by Oppenheimer is:
"I am time, the destroyer of the worlds, and I am now engaged in destroying these people. Even without your participation in it, all the warriors lined up on the opposite side will be killed."

Eventually, all forms crumble under the passage of time, Death is the certainty of Life. To perform our work diligently while form remains is to trust wholeheartedly in the Invincibility of Existence. And so we can smite all that arises, as its very existence is proof that it will perish.
Invincible vulnerability, Warrior of the Heart โœจโ™พ๏ธโœจ

Dimensions: 5000 x 8000

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