From Darkness To Light

Cacao ceremony, microdosing, breathwork, and ecstatic dance.
All medicines from the Earth to connect to the body, different aspects of the body, to feel through the darkness, the physical layer, to reconnect with all of the unmet parts of ourselves, to feel all the heaviness, to take ownership of it. Slow down, tune in, and feel it, so we can let go of it with love.

The darkness holds the gift. The brave ones shall reap the fruits of their arduous labor through uncharted territory.
To transmute and alchemize all to the Light of Love… That is Bliss!
Is there a better way to tune in and express bliss than through dance?

Trust, understanding, love.
In trust we begin to understand - glimpses of the nature of Universal Love, of Life, of Existence. Our Hearts are broken over and over again to make us more sensitive to the one that moves you and me, Us. Our hearts sing in jubilation at the call of the Beloved. All pieces of the puzzle fall into place.

In Light, we learn to trust in the darkness, the mystery of the Unknown. To expand our Consciousness so that in the light of love, we may see the gifts that the Darkness has sown.

Beyond darkness and light, beyond good and evil, there is a field — come meet me there!


Bewitching Beauty Photoshoot