Temple of Life — Summer 2024 💚
You are the medicine
Life is the ritual
Together, we remember.
I have always found beauty in nature. My photography has always been a reflection of that. My recent journey has led me more to the inner realms. As I explore Authentic Being with others, I discover a wealth of unimagined beauty within myself. As my shadows are brought to Light, I am learning to love the unloved parts of myself, embracing all that I am.
Now that I see this beauty within me, I see this beauty reflected in others. I want to bring out more of what's alive in me through the mirror of others. This is the birth of something new, not only within me but also within "others".
This is Life,
Here and now,
In remembrance,
A celebration of the Heart 💚
I am super grateful to everyone for co-creating this beautiful heart-centric bubble we found ourselves in, I am thankful for @joyofintimacy [https://www.sophiebrokmann.nl/] and @wildrosemovement for trusting and inviting me as the visual space holder for this nourishing weekend temple. This is a new step for me, I am grateful to have shared it with you :))